
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Artist Statement, Second Draft

Well. I've had some help editing it and I am pretty happy with how the statement reads.

Robin Purcell Artist Statement

I grew up in New England and was a realistic Studio Painter for many years. California has always been a mythic land of sunshine that stirred my imagination. A fortunate set of influences helped me arrive at my own style of interpreting the California Landscape. I was probably permanently warped by doing paint by numbers as a child. I fell hard for the work of the early California Impressionists, particularly Granville Redmond and William Wendt. Their work helped me to see the landscape as shapes. It is much easier for me to control hard edges with watercolor while painting outdoors. These factors led me to develop a style that simplifies what I see and organizes it into shimmering patches of color. I am a Plein Air Painter who ventures outside to see colors and shapes from life so that I can push them in ways feel true to me and express my personal artistic vision.


  1. Great artist statement Robin!

    So what did you do yesterday? Run to the gallery, deliver your painting, visit a bit, run home, blog, change clothes, run back to the gallery for the reception, visit some more........

    Did I leave anything out?

    Good thing you live close! You got a lot of great comments on your painting you delivered. It was a popular piece amongst the crowd. When the play Bus Stop let out down the street, a nice crowd filtered in.

    See you soon.


  2. That reads well to me, Robin. I found your site through Rhonda Carpenter's links and am glad that I did. I absolutely LOVE your work. Love it!
