
Monday, June 22, 2015

Moondancer selected for National Watercolor Society /China Small Image Exchange

Moondancer 12 x 14
I am very pleased to share that ZHOU Tianya has juried this painting into the NWS/China Small Image Exchange. It  is one of 100 paintings that will be traveling for the next year between California and Shenzen China in conjunction with the Shenzen International Watercolor Biennial.
Exhibition is at the Shenzen Art Museum Dec 5 to Jan 10 and then NWS Gallery July 30 to  Aug 28 of 2016

From the NWS Web Site:

The National Watercolor Society presents the best of water media painting, representing a wide range of directions and technique, from experimental to traditional, and encourages support for watercolor as a vital, enduring and expressive medium. 

JUROR for NWS Member paintings: ZHOU Tianya, CAA, AWS, NWS.
Curator of Luohu Cultural Center,Shenzhen,China
Curator and Organizer of Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition

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