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 La Jolla Shores Morning 8 x 16 plein air watercolor 

Monday, October 8, 2007

Watercolor Magic Magazine, "Ones to Watch" Feature

October Canyon, 21 X 14 For purchase inquiries, contact the Garden Gallery, Half Moon Bay at http://artonmain.com
Below is the entry from Watercolor Magics Blog about the article they just published highlighting 10 emerging artists nationally. It is the December Issue and should be available now.

Having just received a phone call from one of the artists featured in our December issue—a “One to Watch,” no less—I’m reminded that we haven’t yet announced the artists here. As in the past, we asked the country’s most popular watercolor instructors and competition jurors (back in March) to nominate those artists whose work was turning heads. We then contacted the nominees, asking them to submit images for consideration in the piece, and a month or so later we spent an entire day poring over the submissions. The WCM staff picked our 10 favorites, and voilĂ : the Ones to Watch.
Congratulations to the 2007 artists:Sally H. LambrechtPeggy Morgan StenmarkSuzann MarchinJoyce “Kate” Stratton Nancy Crawford Jaimie Cordero Robin Purcell (her painting, October Canyon (watercolor on paper, 21x14), is pictured)Zhong-Sheng Hao Al Albrektson Carol Frye
Learn what caught the nominating instructors and competition jurors’ eye by clicking here. (The December issue is now on its way out to subscribers, and will be on newsstands in mid-October; non-subscribers can order by clicking here.)
I copied the entry, so I don't know if the links work. A link is at http://www.watercolormagic.com/blog/
Here are the comments by the Artist who nominated me.
Carolyn Lord is one of my favorite artists. Her paintings have wonderful design and they inspire me, so I am thrilled she likes my work.
Robin Purcell (Danville, California) “What impresses me about Robin’s work is that within the narrow scope of her chosen subject she develops the full range of compositional possibilities. She’s able to express the quality of light and the colors of the seasonal landscape into her seemingly casual puddles of color.” —Carolyn Lord


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Robin! But I could see that all along, and have been wataching :)
I would add that your colors show far more vividly on your blog than on The Magics blog.
And those are some very well trained "puddles".

Robin Purcell said...

I noticed it printed dark in the magazine as well. One of the editorial points they made was that the colors were trending more muted, so it may have been pushed a bit in the printing process. Then again, they didn't have access to the original. I am just thrilled to have been chosen!

Unknown said...

Can't help but saying that Robin's paintings are better than the real hikes!