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Sunday, November 18, 2012

43rd National Exhibition of the California Watercolor Association

Flag Hill Sunol 14 x 21

I am pleased to announce Flag Hill Sunol has been accepted to the 43rd National Exhibition of the California Watercolor Association.
This is my sixth acceptance and I have applied for my MCWA membership status which I hope to announce officially as soon as I hear from the CWA board of directors.
This goes back to 2004 when Charles Reid accepted a painting of mine in the CWA National and gave it an award.
 It was a complete shock and thrill and got me thinking about the value of entering National Exhibitions. It eventually led to AWS acceptences and Signature Membership in AWS. I don't know if I would have pursued this path without the early encouragement of Charles Reid.

The exhibition opens in Thursday, January 17, 2013, at the Harrington Gallery, Firehouse Art Center (firehousearts.org), 4444 Railroad Avenue, one block east of Main Street in downtown Pleasanton, California.  Please join me for the Artists’ and Award Reception, Saturday, January 19, 2013, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

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