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“Spring Radiance”  So honored and excited to receive this letter. We are delighted to inform you that your superb work, referenced above, ha...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Santa Cruz MAH Plein Air Affair Sneak Preview

Eucalyptus Forms 14 x 11
Quiet Saturday Morning 11 x 14

Ravine and Fog 11 x 14

Here are the other three paintings I finished for the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History. As you can see, it was mostly foggy when I painted but I am happy with these. It was my most challenging painting conditions, damp foggy and cold but I compensated by painting smaller, using a smaller brush and drying the paintings off in the car!
The fourth painting, San Vincente Canyon, Davenport was already posted as the demo in the prior post.
A Link to the web Site for the event is athttp://santacruzmah.org/