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California Art Club 113th Gold Medal Exhibition

“Spring Radiance”  So honored and excited to receive this letter. We are delighted to inform you that your superb work, referenced above, ha...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Hill, Upper Valley 18 x 24

Summer Hill Upper Valley 18 x 24

Some paintings take a LOONG time, I 've had this one on the easel for months.
 I did not want to stop painting it.
 I saw a painting of this hill by Arthur Hill Gilbert about three years ago and I have been hunting for this hill  ever since.
I am in love with this hill. The rounded slopes of the grassland remind me of sculpture and the oaks and chaparral are full of strong  exciting colors and textures.
Here is a detail of the chaparral:

Monday, August 19, 2013

Coastal Quiet demonstration

 Coastal Quiet 11 x 14 Plein Air Watercolor
The fog seems to muffle the sound of the waves, thus the title"Coastal Quiet".  There is plenty of time to take pictures as I wait for paint to dry in foggy conditions.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Point Lobos Summer

Point Lobos Summer 11 x 14

The Coastal Atmosphere series is coming along and I am learning about the importance of  including warm colors even in a cool foggy scene. I was attracted to the rose colors of the ice plant and the sage green of the coastal shrubs. One is invasive and one is native but they compliment each other.

I am also learning about seeing the shapes and gestures that are crucial to painting trees. I like how these two are companion trees but each has its own character.

Here's how this painting started :

Adjusting exposure for more accurate values. This is a little bright , the other one is a little darker on my computer screen

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Luminous Meadow

Luminous Meadow 14 x 21 Plein Air Watercolor

This was painted at Carmel Mission Ranch during a light drizzle that was followed by a luminosity that I tried to capture. The cloud cover thinned enough to let the light through and the scene in front of me glowed. In addition to the atmosphere, I liked the pattern of colors that the grasses made, they were cropped by sheep to expose gold, copper , green and blue green areas that remind me of water.

Here are some earlier phases of the painting to give you an idea of my process:

" Luminous Meadow", in Process

This has the shadow from my easel on  the top but I hope you get the idea.

"Luminous Meadow " in process

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pacific Inlet final

I spent a long time staring at this one and changed a few of the values and intensities of the land masses. I am still finding my way with these higher key coastal atmosphere paintings.

Pacific Inlet  13 x 17

Scroll down if you want to compare it to the earlier version.