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La Jolla Shores Morning

 La Jolla Shores Morning 8 x 16 plein air watercolor 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Paintings from the Studio

The Ridge After Sunrise 14 x 21

Ridgeline Rhythmns 16 x 12

In winter, I tend to finish paintings in the studio. These are the two most recent. In the studio , I can use my outdoor starts as compositions where I play with color harmonies and really concentrate on what the painting needs.
In Ridgeline Rhythms, I pushed myself to abstract the ridge. I love the diagonals of the mountains.
In the Ridge After Sunrise, I explored the darks from early morning.
There was a piece in the New Yorker Magazine a while ago that described these hills as a lovely rumpled landscape, a phrase I love and plan on using as a painting title one of these days. The Ridge after Sunrise is more about the low light and colrs but has some of that rumpled feeling.


Bob Purcell said...

Ridgeline is my favorite painting of all time, it reminds me of some of my favorite training rides

Unknown said...

I just found your watercolors on facebook! They are really beautiful. I love how you have captured the green of the winter hills. Your paintings will make me see more of the hill's beauty. You truly are able to paint your vision.