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La Jolla Shores Morning

 La Jolla Shores Morning 8 x 16 plein air watercolor 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Two Paintings from the Carmel Art Festival

 Buena Vista 14 x 14

 Corral de Tierra Afternoon 12 x 16

These are low res and behind plexiglass but I wanted to share these images quickly.( I will replace them with better ones later) I was gratified that both these paintings sold. I did a lot of driving to get inland to sun and I liked painting these much better than the foggy ones which will go unseen.  I hope to see you on the square in Sonoma on the 22nd if you are in the area


Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Beautiful sense of space Robin! Lovely paintings!

Bill Cone said...

I like the top one a lot, as you're separating your values into atmospheric planes with a strong composition, but also retaining that Purcell shape thang! ;-)


Robin Purcell said...

Thank you Pablo, you know I love those hills!

Robin Purcell said...

Bill,Purcell shape thang.... I love it...great seeing you in Sonoma and thanks for sharing John