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La Jolla Shores Morning

 La Jolla Shores Morning 8 x 16 plein air watercolor 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

San Luis Obispo Hill Paintings

Bishop's Spring 14 x 14( Bishop's Peak)

Bishop's Summer 14 x 21(Bishop's Peak)

 Graceful Hill, SLO,12 x 16

Over the past year I have been lucky enough to travel to the Moro Bay and San Luis Obispo area to paint more than once.
I'd like to live in the area some day because of the ocean and all the hills to paint.
I took my William Wendt book, looking for his famous painting of a hill from the area and finally found it but it was covered in fog both trips.( I am pretty sure it was Hollister Peak)
I found a quiet place to paint near the Poultry Science building that had a great view of Bishop's Peak. The plug of volcanic rock sticking out from the pedestal of  an oak-covered base was a different geology than what I'm used to.
There are gorgeous fields and marshes to paint near Los Osos and Montana D'Oro just to mention a few places I didn't get to.
Up in Cambria, there is a walk along the bluff with a sign that marks the exact southern limit of the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary . I'd like to go back and paint the view of the southern end and find the northern end  and paint that as well. I like painting Mt Diablo often, but painting in a new place with different hills sparks my love for painting all over again.


luigi bluoso said...

Splendidi lavori, ogni volta che li osservo ne rimango incantato. Ciao e buon fine settimana.

Robin Purcell said...

Grazie per il tuo commento gentile, in California, mi ricorda l'Italia

Steve PP said...

Beautiful ,Robin!

Robin Purcell said...

Thank you Steve, it's a beautiful place.

Leslie Hawes said...

Your artwork is the best!

Robin Purcell said...

thank you Leslie, sorry for the late response, I just saw your comment.