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La Jolla Shores Morning

 La Jolla Shores Morning 8 x 16 plein air watercolor 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

American Watercolor Society Traveling Exhibit: January 6th to 30th in Carmichael

The AWS Traveling Exhibit has reached California! I'd almost forgotten about it. My painting ''The Hills Are Alive'' is in the exhibit. I hope to get to the reception this Thursday.

THE FINEST OF WATERCOLORS - January 7-30, 2011

The Sacramento Fine Arts Center will proudly host the American Watercolor Society International Traveling Exhibition, consisting of 40 paintings executed by artists from all corners of the United States, Canada and Singapore. These paintings were chosen to travel throughout the United States from 85 that were on exhibit in New York.

The exhibition of the finest in watercolors is scheduled to be at the Sacramento Fine Arts Center, 5330-B Gibbons Drive, Carmichael, from January 7-30, 2011. The Sacramento Fine Arts Center will be open daily for this exhibit, hours 10:00-5:00p.m, $5.00 donation. An Opening Reception will be held on Thursday, January 6, 6:00-10:00pm.

Addendum: ( January 8), Here's a link to a nice write up in the Carmichael Patch :


Helen Read said...

Lovely work!

peggy gatto said...

I added your link to my blog post for the sketchbook project!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Robin Purcell said...

Thank you Helen and peggy!

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Stunning painting!!! Just found your blog and I'm an instant fan:)

SKIZO said...

thank you for sharing

AnnRan said...

This is a beautiful painting, Robin. The colors are so rich and vibrant. My friend and I saw it today at the AWS show at the Sacramento Fine Arts center. It was one of our favorites!

We recognized it right away as a California foothill landscape before we even saw that you were from California.

Robin Purcell said...

bricarwaller, Skizo thank you for your comments. PaintDog, I went to the reception and meant to go back but didn't make it, thank you for your comment. I LOVE the hills of California, they are never the same !

Unknown said...

This painting is gorgeous. Love the way it drifts from the more muted (uphill) to the richer tones in the foreground. I live in Central California and I think you've nailed it. Golders

Robin Purcell said...

Thank you Golders, it is fun to think the painting is now in Texas before traveling to Maryland and finally back to me in May.