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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Golden Coast

"The Golden Coast " 12 x 16, watercolor on arches
Every once in a while, framing happens before I get a good photograph of a painting, so I am posting a framed painting to show what the final product usually looks like. I apologize for the glare, but that is the nature of point and shoot photography and plexiglass.
My framing uses a different way of matting. I like to use a white liner and a neutral tan or gray matt. It makes the paintings look fresher to me.
This was painted from another painting of the coast near Carmel. I wanted to explore gold and turquoise colors and see how far I could push them. I love the Pacific Coast, so this is a personal favorite, it reminds me of being on vacation.


masmoulin said...

I love your recent work. It's very beautiful


masmoulin said...
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