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La Jolla Shores Morning

 La Jolla Shores Morning 8 x 16 plein air watercolor 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sonoma Plein Air Event 2009

Sonoma Hillside Tapestry 14 x 14
Bartholemew Park 12 x 16

Vineyard Verde (Near El Verona) 11 x 14

Lovall Valley View 14 x 11 sold

New Vines Sonoma 14 x 14 sold

May was a very busy month with two plein air events. Here are five of the six paintings I displayed at the sale. The last one is on my easel being tweaked right now.
Despite the challenging weather ( rain through Wednesday afternoon) I feel good about the finished paintings . Bartholemew Park was done in the rain, with my painting under an umbrella and me under an oak and a rain hat. I did a lot of positive reinforcement on these, saying you've got all week, just take your time, because the rain slowed the drying time so dramatically.
Lovall Valley View was painted Wednesday late afternoon just as the clouds were finally lifted. It is the backyard view of the beautiful property where I stayed . I liked the light and dark shadow patterns on the hill and the grasslands half green half gold mixture.
Sonoma Hillside Tapestry and Near El Verona were both painted at Vadez Winery on the sunny day on Thursday and New Vines was painted up the hill from Anderson Ranche's lovely lunch.


Leenie said...

Nothing like plein air to bring out brilliant colors.

Ginny Stiles said...

Robin..first time visitor to your blog and am wowed. I have "dabbled" in watercolor for about 10 years and so have appreciation for what you do. Just wonderful. I'll be in Santa Cruz in September for a wedding. Do you have a studio or gallery near there?
I found you on Chris Beck's blog. Hope you'll stop by mine...it's very humble...I've just begun but am trying to learn from you and others how to blog well.
You are an inspiration!