Sunday, July 8, 2007

Garden Gallery, Annual Landscape Exhibit

The Garden Gallery , Half Moon Bay ,Annual Landscape Exhibit. I visited the Garden Gallery today. Otherwise known as "". Many of the painters I admire are in this show and although relatively small in size, the amount of great visual stuff to see was overwhelming and inspiring. I didn't take notes,so I am leaving a criminal amount out but as I am at home, I remember a triptych by Kevin Courter of three trees at sunset, with that wonderful evening light. Also by Kevin an evening seascape that nailed the values while striking exactly the right color and atmosphere. Kevin takes the quiet feeling of evening from tonalism and brings a new richness of color to it.Two paintings by Brian Blood will haunt me for a while, one of Elk Horn Slough in the evening and one of a large dark oak that was beautifully painted. I would like to be able to see how he sees. I will check the web site to see if I can get the titles. The show runs through the end of August and is definitely worth the trip.

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