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La Jolla Shores Morning

 La Jolla Shores Morning 8 x 16 plein air watercolor 

Friday, July 20, 2007

Pacific Wildlife Gallery

I've driven by this gallery in Lafayette dozens of times. I went to see the Robert Bateman exhibit at the Pacific Wild Life Gallery in Lafayette today. Realist art usually isn't my thing, but it was an interesting application of highly skilled photorealism. I was knocked out by one piece where Robert Bateman cropped the silhouette of a polar bear's head and neck. It worked as an abstract, but what knocked my socks off was the luminosity he got in the animal's fur...it glowed with life and the fact that it was also painted in a contemporary style where the brush strokes were simple direct and apparent yet also the exact shapes needed for the subject. I've got to get out and see more art, and this was worth stopping for...world class....who knew? here are the details on the gallery

Pacific Wildlife Galleries
3420 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Lafayette, CA 94549 • (925) 283-2977
Gallery Hours: Monday through Saturday, 10AM to 5PM and Sunday from Noon to 4PM


Robert Bateman's web site is http://www.robertbateman.ca/ and the painting of a polar bear I love is on his home page

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