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Friday, December 21, 2007

In the Gallery: Selected Watercolor Paintings at the Garden Gallery

Bernardus View 14 x 14
This was painted plein air near Bernardus Lodge in Carmel Valley. It was late spring and the Santa Lucia Mountains were like an undulating piece of embroidery.

Ridge at the Mouth 12 x 16

Painted at the entrance to Carmel Valley, one of my first paintings I like painted under cloudy conditions. The paint takes longer to dry, so I work smaller and use a smaller brush that holds less water. Summit from SouthGate 21x 14
A beautiful day on Mount Diablo. This view shows the summit and a dramatic canyon at the same time, two of my favorite things to paint.

The Garden Gallery is located at 530 Main Street, Half Moon Bay. The web site is http://artonmain.com/. I am thrilled to be showing work there along with master painters like Kevin Courter and Brian Blood

Thursday, December 20, 2007

In the Gallery: Selected Watercolor Paintings

Rare Sight 14 x 21
Painted plein air last winter when the snow was on Diablo at the same time the mustard was blooming. This was painted in a church parking lot on Old Blackhawk Road near my house. I loved doing it because it was a monday morning and Safeway and laundry piles were waiting. Instead I said to myself got to paint before it melts or the sky clouds over, it's rare that we have snow on Diablo AND can see it here in the valley.

Five O' Clock Shadow 14 x 14 image
This was painted in Carmel Valley at 5 O clock in the afternoon. It is near what was supposed to be an airport. There were very gusty winds so I had to hang onto the easel. I mixed the paint up in two batches and painted this in one 45 minute session, yellow first, into the car to dry ,then the blue, truely a la prima, with very little touching up after the fact. I love it when that happens!

Ridge at Sonoma 12 x 16 image
From the Sonoma Plein Air Event