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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thank you to Artists Blog Search

RobinPurcellPaints.blogpsot.com has just been added to artists blog search as one of their 500 handpicked art blogs. I just visited and searched under plein air and most of my favorite plein air blogs are there. The web site is http://www.artistsblogsearch.com/

Sunday, March 2, 2008


This is a very pale image of this painting. It is much brighter in person. Anyway, this was done from memory and a photograph I took. It has been changed a lot from the photo because I wanted the flowers on the bluff to stand out and I wanted to play with the coastal colors. I had fun with the tree. An 11 X 14. Watercolor on arches. Near Garrapata State Park. link :http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=579

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Spring Tapestry

15 x 12 watercolor on arches. Loosely based on Las Trampas Ridge in Danville, across from the Pioneer Art Gallery where I was gallery sitting. There was quite a bit of foot traffic into the gallery so it was one of those where I was talking and moving around frequently and painting on auto pilot. Sort of a variation on my canyon and hill series.