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Thursday, September 22, 2011

California Vine and Hill Exhibit

Autumn Glow 9 x 12

Mount Diablo Northern View 14 x 14

Flag Hill, Sunol 14 x 21

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

California Landscapes 2012 Calendar

Link to California Landscapes 2012 Calendar

A little early this year! You can see the 12 paintings in the Calender by clicking the link above. Some are so new they haven't been published anywhere else yet and some have found new homes and I want to live with them again next year.

NEW: Now through October 23rd, 50% off this calendar with the promo code top3holiday at checkout.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Wine Country Invitational, The Fairmont Gallery in Sonoma, Reception September 17th

Across The Valley 11 x 14

Intoxicating Reds  10 1/2 x 15 1/2

At The Corner of Hill and Vine 11 x 14

Here are three of the paintings I just finished for the Fairmont Gallery's event later this month, it was fun going back to Sonoma to paint with the rich colors of the harvest season.
I am very excited to see what all the artists have done,including Carolyn Lord, Kim Lordier and Manette Fairmont . Here's a link to the gallery web site for details and directions.
I hope you can make it for the reception or exhibit ( which runs to October 17th.)

The Wine Country Invitaitional /Fairmont Gallery/ Sonoma
Reception: 9/17/2011 6-9pm
Location: Fairmont Gallery in Sonoma CA
707 996-2667

447 First Street West
Sonoma CA 95476

"With You in Mind"... you are invited by The Fairmont Gallery
To this prestigious event:

The Wine Country Plein Air
Invitational Gallery Exhibition 2011
Artist Reception: Saturday September 17th, 2011
6:00 - 9:00pm
Exhibition continues until October 17th

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Flag Hill,Sunol, finished

Flag Hill Sunol,14 x 21
If you scroll down, you can see I made a change to the sky to reflect more accurately the way the vividness of the blue related to the creamy gold of the hill. Once I changed the sky, I found I needed to adjust some of the values of the blue and violets in the hill.  I am pleased that this feels like the summer day when it was painted..