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CAC magnificent miniatures until May 11


Saturday, June 22, 2013

California Art Club 102nd Annual Juried Gold Medal Exhibition and Sale

I went to the Gala and got some photos of some of the highlights. I apologize for not posting sooner! The exhibit runs to June 23rd and there are a variety of closing events if you are in the LA area.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Incredible Places, Juried by Michael Zakian, Honorable Mention Award


Desert Hill 14 x 14, Honorable Mention Award

Michael Zakian selected two of my paintings for this juried annual event in it's 83rd year.
Other artists in the exhibition include Peter Loftus, Chuck Kovacic and Mark Farina.

83rd Annual Statewide Exhibit, Incredible Places: Contemporary Landscape Painters of California“ Juried by Michael Zakian EXHIBITION DATES: June 1 - 30, 2013 LOCATION: Santa Cruz Art League 526 Broadway Santa Cruz, CA

Flag Hill Sunol 14 x 21