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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pacific Inlet

Pacific Inlet 13 x 17

Trying something new, the quieter cooler tones of a foggy day.
 There's a real challenge in managing the transitions between white paper and lightest values.
 Here I tried to weave the areas of white to make a path for your eye through the painting, not sure if this one is done.  I may let it alone or I may intensify the colors in the water.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Windswept 14 x 14

More trees and pushing the colors of summer. The gestures the wind sculpted these trees into attracted me to this scene. Plein Air and finished in the studio. Here's an earlier state to give you an idea of my process:

Windswept, in process

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wildflowers and Fog, Pebble Beach

Wildflowers and Fog Pebble Beach 12 x 12
I escaped the heat inland and found this colorful meadow next to the beach in Pebble Beach. There seem to be wildflowers in bloom there year round there because it's like spring  year round. I was attracted to the patterns and the colorful tapestry the flowers created and the contrast of the warm colors with the cool fog.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

San Jose Mission Morning in California Art Club Exhibit. Along El Camino Real: The Missions of California

San Jose Mission Morning 11 1/2 x 13 1/2. Something different, I was interested in the colors in the shadows of the building and the contrast of scale with the hill. This is mainly a studio piece, although I drew on my memory of being there in the early morning for the colors. This Mission is adjacent to the open space of Mission Peak so I was able to get a hill in as well.

Along El Camino Real: The Missions of California
The Old Mill, 1120 Old Mill Road, San Marino, CA 91108
September 4– January 12, 2014