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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Two new Mount Diablo Paintings

Just Below Junction 21 x 21

Summit From Curry Point November 21 x 21

I've had these in the studio for months.
Started them both last fall trying to paint the beauty of the dusty colors of the drought.
 The reds of the California holly were fun to see in the chaparral. In fact the native plants didn't look that different from the usual fall colors, but the grasses were very dried out.
These were both painted on Southgate Road at Curry Point and just below the long straight hill near Junction.
 I can tell you there were a lot of hikers on the Summit trail which was good to see, but far too many cyclists speeding down that hill.

Curry Point Spring and Curry Point Calm, what a difference a season of rain makes

Curry Point Spring 12 x 22

Curry Point Calm 12 x 22

Same location, six month's apart. Both times I wanted to see the snow on the Sierras, both times there was too much moisture in the air, but it was still very satisfying to paint the changes as this winter's rains brought an end to the drought scenes on  Mount Diablo.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Kern County Plein Air Invitational and Exhibit

The Kern County Plein Air Invitational was last week but the paintings are still on site for viewing at the Access Center Gallery, 1330 Truxton Avenue , Bakersfield.

The paintings will be on display from April 18 to May 27.

Here are a few of mine and the installation at the Bakersfield Museum of Art from last weekend.

Tejon Ranch Spring 14 x 17

Hill at Tejon Ranch 12 x 12

Wednesday at Wind Wolves 12 x 16

Atmosphere 11 x 14

Bakersfield Museum of Art Exhibit