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CAC magnificent miniatures until May 11


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kern County Plein Air Invitational Paintings

Tejon Ranch Greens 16 x 20

Eyes Lifted to the Hills (Painted at Bakersfield National Cemetery)12 x 16

Very Early at Wind Wolves 11 x 14

High Noon Wildflowers 12 x 12 ( painted at Wind Wolves)

Where Elk Wander  9 x 12 ( painted at Wind Wolves)

The top three paintings are available through the kern county arts council at info@kernarts.org.

The bottom two are being tweaked in my studio.
The week was wonderful, the weather cooperated, my hostess was gracious and it helped to have done this before, so I knew the lay of the land.
Tuesday I stayed at the wonderful Wind Wolves Preserve from dawn until sunset. Learn more about it at http://www.wildlandsconservancy.org/preserve_windwolves.html
It was so good to see all the living greens all around Kern County. I pushed myself to paint a 16 x 20  at Tejon Ranch and I am glad I did.

The list of participating artists and awards are here and well worth checking out:


A big thank you to David Gordon and the Kern County Arts Council.