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Thursday, December 14, 2017

"Just Below Junction"accepted into 9th Annual Signature American Watermedia Exhibit

Just Below Junction 20 x 20

The 9th Annual Signature American Watermedia Exhibition was selected by Ratindra Das and opens Feb 3rd.

Here are  the details:

Fallbrook Art Center
103 South Main Fallbrook CA 92028

760 728 1414


Opening Reception
Feb 3 5 to 7 pm

 Show runs Feb 4 to April 15

open Mon Sat 10 to 4 Sun 12 to 3

Friday, December 1, 2017

Gum Drops and Gems opening December 2nd at Nancy Dodds Gallery Carmel

In time for gift giving, I have five affordable 6 x 6 paintings at Nancy Dodds Gum Drops and Gems exhibit in Carmel.
The opening reception is Saturday from 5 to 7.