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Friday, September 25, 2009

"The High Horizon" featured artist Exhibit extended to November 23rd, Chosen for Critics Best Bets Calendar 11/15

From the Sunday San Ramon Valley Times Critics Best Bets Calendar ,November 15th.
October Canyon, painted on South Gate Road, Mount Diablo 21 x 14

“The High Horizon” featured Artist Exhibit at FastFrame Lafayette

Reception Sunday October 4th 12 to 4

Exhibit Now extended to November 23rd

3571 Mount Diablo Blvd

Here's the press release for the event. I hope you can come!

FastFrame of Lafayette welcomes the landscapes of Robin Purcell during the month of October. Robin’s one person exhibit of watercolors is inspired by her past decade of living in the foothills of the East Bay. “Driving around Danville, I am constantly looking at

Mount Diablo and the open ridges that surround me. The colors shapes and light are always changing and give me something new to paint. I am lucky to live in a town where the open spaces are valued and protected.” Robin said.

By concentrating on the subject of the “High Horizon” Robin has gained recognition from noted art experts such as Kevin MacPherson, Jean Stern and Michael Zakian and has earned Signature Member status in the National and California Watercolor Associations as well as admission to the historically significant California Art Club as an Artist Member.

“ Anthony Ruiz has supported many local artists with his willingness to give us an exhibit space in the heart of downtown Lafayette and his excellent skills as a craftsman with his custom framing.” Continued Purcell, “ Going to Fast Frame to pick up an order is a pleasure as I enjoy the collaboration of working with Anthony and Tony, they really care about what they do. And my paintings aren’t finished until they are properly presented.”

“I am happy to help give exposure to local artists. There is more talent here in the East Bay than most people are aware of. I hope you stop by to see the paintings and many framing options offered.” Stated Anthony Ruiz, Owner of FastFrame Lafayette.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Gallery Elite in Carmel

A Tangled Place 14 x 14 Watercolor on Arches
I am pleased to announce that I am now represented by Gallery Elite in Carmel. You can see my paintings on the website at: http://www.galleryelite.net/gallery/?fn=detail&act=list&catalog=artist&id=75. Or better yet, if you are in Carmel, the gallery is located on San Carlos between 5th and 6th in Carmel by the Sea.
Gallery Elite has a very wide selection of American and Internationl artists and what struck me the most was the lush and vibrant use of color. I particularly like the paintings by fellow Californians Robert Lewis and the pastels by Gil Dellinger.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Newberry Gallery Landscape with a Modern Edge

Zuma Canyon 14 x 21 Watercolor on Arches
I love the concept of this exhibit coming up in October in Santa Monica. I have been following Michael Newberry's gallery since it opened in March and I have to say he is a wonderful painter so the fact he has included me in this exhibit is thrilling!
The group show includes Melissa Hefferlin, David Akhrier, Michael Newberry ,Cathy Cadieux and William Wray and me.
The particulars: Newberry Gallery 1549 11th St #100
Opening Reception: Saturday October 17th, 7 to 10 pm