Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sonoma Vineyard Paintings from October

October Vines 14 x 14
October Vines Study 9 x 12
Vineyard Rythmns 14 x14
Three paintings of vineyards from October. I am working on getting comfortable painting smaller. I like the vineyards climbing up hills and you can see I am still using high horizons.


irinapictures said...

I was missing your colors and shapes, glad that you keep posting!

Marian Fortunati said...

Hi Robin!!
I so love the colors in your paintings!!

All of them are wonderful but that top one is VERY special!!!

Hope all is well with you!

Terry Banderas said...

Beautifully done!

Anonymous said...

Wow really beautiful colors and your style is so unique...Love it..!!

Anonymous said...

Such a brilliatn - distinctive style, glad I found your blog :)

fellow artist

Autumn Leaves said...

These are just glorious. I especially love the vineyard. Gorgeous work and great use of color!

Lesley Purcell said...

I have just discovered your art work, it is beautiful!
Your surname is pretty cool too ;-)