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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"Summer Hill, Upper Valley" and "Luminous Meadow" in 103rd California Art Club Gold Medal Annual Juried Exhibition and Sale


 Summer Hill,Upper Valley 18 x 24


 Lumimous Meadow 14 x 21


103rd Annual Gold Medal Juried Exhibition
March 30 – April 20, 2014

 Here the paintings are framed:

Autry National Center website
4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles, CA 90027

ARTISTS’ GALA RECEPTION: Saturday, March 29, 6-9 p.m.
Art enthusiasts can meet the exhibiting artists at this preview reception to be held the evening before the exhibition opens to the public. A highlight of the evening is the awards ceremony, at which “Best of Show” honors will be announced.
For more information: http://www.californiaartclub.org/exhibitions/annual-gold-medal-juried-exhibition/

I entered these because they represented what I think are my best paintings from the last year.
Summer Hill,Upper Valley is a monumental hill whose panormic view needed to be big, I've been painting 18" x 24" recently.
"Luminous Meadow" is from my coastal  atmosphere series of paintings from last summer  and represents a much softer range of values. As this was being painted the fog lifted and the warm colors made this a successful painting.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

And now for something different : Forget Me Not Farm Watering Cans

My husband asked me to paint these watering cans in honor of Forget Me Not Farm in Sonoma .
 They do good work, here is the description from their web site:


 Forget Me Not Farm - A haven for children and animals to bond and break the cycle of abuse. Since its inception in 1992, Forget Me Not Farm has helped thousands of at-risk children and youth break the cycle of abuse. Located on the grounds of the Sonoma Humane Society, the Farm offers animal-assisted and horticultural therapeutic activities that provide a haven for children, plants and animals to bond, learn and heal with one another.

 I have produced a card of this image on  Zazzle . You can purchase it by following this link. All proceeds will be donated to Forget me Not Farm.
