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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Two new Poppy Paintings


Poppy Path 14 x 18 Available FairmontGallery

Poppy Panic 12 x 12 sold Fairmont  Gallery

These are fun to paint and remind me of embroidery. Started plein air, finished in the studio .

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Visit Tri Valley used "Spring Tapestry "as the cover for the Inspiration Guide 2015 and added the painting to their collection.

It was an honor to have my painting on the cover of the Guide.
Visit Tri Valley then did me the honor of purchasing the painting for their collection.
 I recently visited their offices to see how they had framed it. And I have to say I love it.
Thank you to  Barbara Steinfeld, President and Emmy Kasten, VP of Marketing for supporting local and original art.  The Tri Valley includes the cities of Pleasanton, San Ramon, Livermore, Dublin, and Danville where I live.
I have lived in Danville 20 years and found new places in the guide. I particularly liked the article about the trails on page 56 of the guide, it has gorgeous photographs that remind me why I can't stop painting our hills.

The guides are at businesses all over the towns and I recommend you pick one up and use it.

For more information about the visitors bureau:  visittrivalley.com

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

After the Fire Vlll Juried into 16th Annual National Exhibition of the American Impressionists Society

After the FireVlll

16th Annual AIS National Juried Exhibition
October 1 - 29, 2015, Trailside Galleries, Scottsdale Arizona
Opening Reception/Awards Presentation

Thursday, October 15th

I am deeply honored and humbled that this painting was accepted into the AIS 16th Annual exhibition. Thank you members of the jury and congratulations to all artists accepted into the show! It means a lot when I get to share this place I love. Mount Diablo, one of the After the Fire Series

Update October 15th.
I am thrilled to report that After the Fire Vlll won the Award of Excellence for Watercolor at the opening reception.
Thank you to Juror Carolyn Anderson.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

"Where the River Meets the Sea" selected for California Art Club Point Lobos and Beyond Exhibit, Camel Visual Arts, Opening July 18th

"Where the River Meets the Sea"  11 x17 
Point Lobos and Beyond
California Art Club Exhibit at Carmel Visual Arts
7/18 to 8/23
Reception 7/18