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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Summer Morning Russian River, Evening Eucalyptus, and Chileno Valley Cow

Summer Morning, Russian River  17 x21

Evening Eucalyptus 11 x17

Chileno Valley Cow 11x 11

I am trying some new locations and subject matter with these.
The coastal bright haze was a challenge, evening light is something I need practice with and the one cow sat still long enough to be painted.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Award of Excellence in Watercolor at the 16th American Impressionist Society Exhibit at Trailside Galleries, Scottsdale

 After the Fire Vlll won the Award of Excellence for Watercolor at the 16th Annual Exhibit of the American Impressionist Society at Trailside Galleries.

I am beyond thrilled to have been awarded this from Juror Carolyn Anderson, one of the most masterful painters I know of.

These photos are thanks to Tonya Zenin and Ellen Howard since I was not able to be there. 

These Annual Impressionists Exhibits are simply amazing in terms of the quality of the paintings and the professionalism shown by the organization and I feel privileged to be a part of them.

Here's a few extra photos. What a great color ribbon and wall for this painting and frame!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Above Sonoma, 20 x 16 Studio version of plein air painting

Above Sonoma 20 x 16.

And here's the original piece:

Sonoma Valley Vertigo 17 x 14

Which do you prefer? I am still deciding.

Monday, October 5, 2015

"Summit From Curry Point" Juried into California Watercolor Association 46th National Exhibition

I am very pleased to announce that "Summit from Curry Point' 18 x 24 was accepted into the California Watercolor Association's 46th National Exhibition. The jurors were Craig Nelson and Chuck Pyle of the Academy of Art University. This is a difficult exhibit to get into, over 600 paintings were entered and 80 were chosen.

It will be exhibited at a new venue, the Cannery Galleries of the Academy of Art University, located in the Fisherman's wharf area of San Francisco.

The dates are January 4th to February 28th.

More information is available at the California Watercolor Association web site.