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Monday, November 16, 2015

Curry Point Calm 12 x 22 Plein Air Watercolor

 Curry Point Calm, Plein Air 12 x 22

The drought has brought out a very understated landscape, the subtle taupey /lavenders and buff grays are way out of my painting habits.
There is no point in going out to see if I am not going to try to be true to what is out  there
I liked this subject because it was a still day with no wind and I could see across the Central Valley to the Sierras.

Still staring at it, I think it is done, if I want more saturated color I would do another painting vs glazing this one over. It helps to remember sometimes less is more.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

"Ridgetop"to be exhibited in Randy Higbee Gallery 6 x 6 Holiday Exhibition, Costa Mesa

Ridgetop 6 x 6 watercolor on paper

I liked the soft colors on this painting of a ridge in winter.

Details on the exhibit

Randy Higbee Gallery 6 x 6
102 Kalmus Dr
Costa Mesa

December 5, 6 to 9 pm Reception

Exhibit through January 2016

 Here is the companion piece (which I prefer) which is available from the artist

Ridgetop II