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Monday, May 22, 2017

Best Watercolor Award for "Carmel Valley Evening Glow" from Mian Situ at the Carmel Art Festival

The thrilling moment with Mian Situ.

Carmel Valley Evening Glow 12 x 12
Best Watercolor Award Carmel Art Festival 2017
Judge Mian Situ

The light in Carmel Valley is different, so close to the Ocean, it seems brighter, clearer there, the air is so clean. The land seems to glow at every time of day, but especially in the evening.

Here are the other paintings:

Monarch of Carmel Valley 16 x 20

I pushed myself to paint this subject at the largest size I can paint in these plein air events, it is such a monumental hill, it reminds me of a Henry Moore Sculpture.

A Morning Hike 12 x 12

I painted framed and parked during the Quick draw in 2 hours on Sunday
 I drove to Carmel River Beach Lagoon because the energy is so positive and there are lovely wildflowers in case the fog blocks the views. I concentrated my focus on the point of land and painted everything else in soft focus.

Lagoon Morning 9 x 12 Quick Draw

Quick Draw Framed
I like how it glows inside the black frame.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

LPAPA first annual Waterworks Exhibit, "Winter's Light, LaJolla Shores" and "Peak Near the Eiger" now through June 4 in Laguna Beach

Winter's Light La Jolla Shores 11 x 14

Peak Near the Eiger 11 x 14

There's something to be said for stepping out of one's comfort zone.
The San Diego Coast and a snow covered mountain in the Alps are my subjects in these two paintings.

The exhibit information
LPAPA first annual WaterWorks Exhibit
May 2 to June 4th

LPAPA in residence
Forest and Ocean Gallery
Laguna Beach

Reception  Saturday May 13th 5 to 8 pm

The entire exhibit can be seen online at daily brushwork:
