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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thank you to SDvoyager.com for the feature article

What a great introduction to the creative community in and around San Diego.
San Diego Voyager covers creative people happenings and places in the San Diego Area.
They found me from an instagram post of a recent painting.

Read the article here and get a sneak peek of some new paintings I haven't shown anywhere else

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Lily Pond at the Frick Collection NYC

Lily Pond 9 x 12.5 watercolor on paper

A studio painting from a photo I took on a trip to NYC this summer.

I wanted to play with shapes and colors in this patterned subject.

Here's the work in progress shot for you to see the small but important changes I made.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

"Santa Monica Mountains" Accepted into Southern California Inspirations .NWS Oceanside Museum of Art

Santa Monica Mountains
14 x 21 watercolor on paper
Honored to be selected for this exhibit.

National Watercolor Society: 
Southern California Inspirations,
Past and Present
December 22, 2018 - April 21, 2019

Oceanside Museum of Art

Dear Robin,


Your watermedia painting Santa Monica Mountains
has been accepted for exhibition into Southern California Inspirations, Past and Present at Oceanside Museum of Art.

This Exhibition will also include several curated works from past SoCal-based NWS members: Art Riley, Barse Miller, Emil Kosa Jr., Hardy Gramatky, Jade Fon, James Green, Jake Lee, James Patrick, Marion Wachtel, Milford Zornes, Millard Sheets, Phil Dike, Phil Paradise, Ralph Hulett, Rex Brandt, Robert E. Wood.

The mountains in Southern California are younger and more angular than in Northern California where I  have painted in the past. 
The geometry of the rocks contrasts with the vegetation in a way that is very beautiful to me.
 I often think of fabric as I paint these patterned places. 

This scene in Malibu reminds me of a madras plaid and evokes the endless summer of Southern California's climate.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Getting back into painting in Carlsbad

First efforts at my new surroundings

San Diego Postcard 9 x12

It's a cliche but I had to get this sunset out of my system after years of fog sets in Northern California

South Ponto 9 x12

Where I am  spending time goofing off instead of painting

Santa Monica Mountains 14 x21

Started a long time ago, I couldn't finish it without being in SOCAL for the colors.

Monday, May 21, 2018

"Seven Layers of Spring" juried into California Art Club's 107th Annual Gold Medal Exhibition, opening June 9th

"Seven Layers of Spring"  16 x 20 watercolor on paper

California Art Club 107th Annual Gold Medal Exhibition at the
 Natural History Museum Los Angeles County
900 W Exposition  Blvd

Artists' Gala Reception 7 to 10 pm

Exhibit dates June 10 to July 1

The California Art Club’s signature exhibition of contemporary-traditional fine art spotlights more than 300 sculptures and paintings of genres ranging from landscapes and seascapes to figures and still lifes. The exhibiting artists include nationally renowned representational artists who have been active in expanding interest in the California Impressionist heritage associated with the organization’s founding in 1909. While the artists employ time-honored fine art techniques, their featured works in this un-themed exhibition seek to innovate with modern messages that address societal issues from diversity to the environment.
In presenting the 107th Annual Gold Medal Exhibition at the Natural History Museum (NHM), the California Art Club returns to the first museum to ever present this display. Among the artists who exhibited in the early Gold Medal Exhibitions at NHM were Franz Bischoff, Merrell Gage, Guy Rose, William Wendt and Julia Bracken Wendt, whose Three Muses statue continues to grace the museum’s historic rotunda.
All works are available for acquisition. If interested in purchasing artwork, please call the California Art Club at 626.583.9009.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

California Art Club Exhibit "Art Between the Lines" features "Mount Diablo Northern View"

I am in the process of moving and really miss painting on Mount Diablo.
I am sure I will find new places to paint but wanted to participate in this exhibit with a painting  of Mount Diablo as my farewell.

Art Between the Lines
Peninsula Museum of Art
April 29 to July 8

Reception April 29 , 2 to 4 pm

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

"Peak Near the Eiger" in the Second Annual AIS Impressions Small Works Showcase

Peak Near the Eiger 11 x 14

American Impressionists Society 2nd Annual Impressions Small Works Showcase

Greenwhich House Gallery

Cincinnati OH

Opening reception 3/23 5 to 9 pm

Juror of Awards Ken Backhaus

Monday, January 15, 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

151st American Watercolor Society accepted "Curry Point November"!

I am extremely proud to announce that "Curry Point November" has been accepted by the American Watercolor Society for the 151st International Exhibition at the Salmagundi Club April 9th to 28th.

This is an extremely difficult exhibit to get into and I count myself as fortunate to be in it this year for the fourth time. Thank you to the jurors Timothy Clark, Susan Weintraub, Sue St John, Antonio Masi and Karen Butler
The complete list of exhibitors is here: