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La Jolla Shores Morning

 La Jolla Shores Morning 8 x 16 plein air watercolor 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Award at Statewide Contemporary Landscape Painters Exhibit from Juror Jean Stern

My painting "Old Blackhawk View" was awarded the 3rd place Watercolor at the 78th Annual Statewide Exhibit of Contemporary Landscape Painters at the Santa Cruz Art league. The exhibt is titled "Poems Without Words" and was jurored by Jean Stern, Executive Director of the Irvine Museum and a noted Art Historian. The exhibit runs through June 29th and is well worth seeing.. More information is at http://scal.org/. I got to visit the exhibit last week and was very impressed. I particularly liked the paintings by Julia Seelos (first prize oil) and Mark Farina (third place oil)

1 comment:

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Hi Robin! Congratulations! Beautiful painting and so good to see a watecolor place with the oils!
(this might be a repeat comment, not sure what happened to the first one I tried to leave, I think my computer is still acting up)