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Thursday, May 22, 2008

At the Carmel Art Festival, part 2

Top of the World, Carmel Valley 12 x 16

This painting was done first thing Thursday morning when I was freshest. It is about 100 feet from where Eastward Afternoon was painted. It sold during the festival at a gallery in Carmel along with a painting called Garrapata( from a previous post).

Hidden Valley View 14 x 14

Painted under the mid day sun in the heat, I was uncomfortable in the heat, but it made me paint faster and simplify the shapes. I am pleased with this. I tend to be happiest when I try something a little different.

Carmel Knolls View 12 x 16

My only painting not done in Carmel Valley. I took advantage of the time Wednesday night to paint near town. I did not want to drive then paint (as opposed to paint then drive)when daylight was limted. This is the first neighborhood off of Carmel Valley Road and the residents were very friendly. Two of them were artists and were very encouraging. I've painted this view before and I like the chance to do the coastal colors instead of the inland colors.

The festival was cancelled , then rescheduled. I think because of this there was some confusion and fewer art bidders. I hope the festival successfully raised money for art education this year. I saw some bidders behaving badly and suffering bidding remorse. (crossing out bids that had been up all day in the silent auction at the last minute...ouch.....)I think the extra paintings we were allowed to display on Sunday was a good idea. I liked the challenge of getting four done in two days, the deadline has a way of making me focus.

I started this blog almost exactly one year ago to report on this festival. If you want to compare paintings and experiences the first entry is here http://robinpurcellpaints.blogspot.com/2007/05/blog-post.html

At the 15th Carmel Art Festival Part One

Eastward Afternoon, Carmel Valley

Here is my favorite painting done at the festival. We had from Wednesday night at 5 until Friday at 6 to produce two to four paintings. I didn't luck out with an award this year, but in this slow economy my sales were up. (But not because of the festival. More on that later) This was my only sale at the festival itself. In the past , I have sold out. I enjoyed painting this because it was Thursday afternoon and I hardly ever get to paint afternoon light. It was also looking down and across a lovely open space.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mt Diablo Northern View, plein air

Pure Joy to paint a completely different angle of my favorite subject matter, this is Mount Diablo as painted from Deer Hill Road in Lafayette. I love the swirling movement. The mountain is so gorgeous from this angle that I feel like a mere editor! Burn out was so early this year, that it looks like summer in April. 14 x 14 watercolor on 300 lb arches. Plein Air.

New Camera Test

Old Camera

New Camera
What a difference! I manipulated the top one a lot to get any color in the top of the painting , but the lower part is really too bright. The bottom one is more in balance, but overall paler than the actual piece. It was taken outside in the shade.I need to figure out how to take pictures of my paintings with my new digital camera. It is an Olympus 850, shock proof and waterproof. My old 35 mm had been dropped so many times but kept working until last month. Any suggestions for a complete novice would be helpful. For instance I did not plug my camera into the computer ,I took it to Wolf Camera and had them make prints ( which are great) and a CD.......is this how you do it?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Upcoming Art Events

Green Day, 14 x 21, Watercolor on Arches, Private Collection
Why I have not been posting! Busy prepping for these events. I also broke my ancient 35mm camera and am learning the world of digital photography!

I have an exciting set of events and exhibits coming up this spring and summer.

Carmel Art Festival, May 17 and 18

I am preparing for the 15th Annual Carmel Art Festival and Plein Air Painting Competition. This year artists have a chance to display up to four paintings instead of the usual two, so the selection for collectors will be increased greatly. The festival is May 17 and 18 in Carmel -by- the- Sea and more information is available at carmelartfestival.org. This my 3rd consectutive year of being invited to this event .
National Watercolor Society

The National Watercolor Society selected "October Canyon" for it's annual All Members Show at the Viva Gallery in Moorpark Ca.

Statewide Landscape Exhibit "Poems without Words"

Santa Cruz will be a frequent destination this summer as three of my paintings have been juried into "Poems without Words" the SCAL 78th Annual Statewide Exhibit of Contemporary Landscape Painters of California. It was juried by Executive Director of the Irvine Museum and noted Art Historian Jean Stern. On exhibit May 31 to June 29, with a reception on June 7, 3 to 5. More information at SCAL.org

Plein Air Affaire, Santa Cruz MAH

It will be my privilege to take part in a new event, The Second "Plein Air Affaire" with the Museum of Art and History at the McPherson Center, Santa Cruz. After a week of painting in June, plein air paintings will be on exhibt for the weekend of July 12 and 13. A complete schedule of events is at santacruzmah.org.

 the Garden Gallery

There are ongoing displays of my works at  The Garden Gallery, Half Moon Bay. I am delighted to be represented by these two outstanding galleries. Information about The Garden Gallery is at artonmain.com.

Splash 10, National Publication

My painting "Green Day" will be published in North Light Books Biennial Collection of the Best in Watercolor. The publication date of "Splash 10, Passionate Brushstrokes" is set for May 21 and the book is available at Amazon.com now for preordering.

After all of this, I will be grateful for a lull during the dog days of summer. I hope you can join me for one or more of these events.