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Monday, January 17, 2022

Best Watercolor in Plein Air Salon Competition from CW Mundy!

 I am honored and thrilled that “Spring Song of Malibu” was awarded best watercolor in the December 2021 Plein Air Salon Contest for Plein Air Magazine. I admire C w Mundy as an artist very much, which is why I entered this months contest.

There is a certain logic behind this entry. The last timeI won an award , Michael Zakian was the judge. I entered then because I admired his skills and judgement as a curator and art historian. It takes a combination of a judge I feel strongly about and a painting I feel is an original statement  that I hope will be appreciated and understood. This was painted for the on location in Malibu exhibit at Pepperdine University where Micheal Zakian was Curator.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Signature Showcase at Laguna Plein Air Painters

 Now through February 28 th “Topiary Twirl” gets to dance in Laguna Beach!

The Signature Showcase features the work of artists who have achieved Signature Artist status in the Laguna Plein Air Painters Association.

The gallery is located at 414 n coast Highway  Laguna Beach.